The EA180 Series nuclear qualified limit switch is suitable for harsh environments with accident conditions (LOCA, HELB, Radiation and Seismic reistant). This switch is Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) and features positive lever latching mechanism. The EA180 switch comes standard in a die-cast housing with a stainless steel top cover and fasteners, along with gold- plated contacts.
IEEE 323-1974, 1983 & 2003; IEEE 344-1975, 1987 & 2004; IEEE 382-1972, 1980, 1996 & 2006; IEEE 383-1972, 1974 & 2003; IEEE 572-1985, 2004 & 2006; Special qualifications for Westinghouse, GE, AECL, B & W, KOPEC and RCC-E design specifications; IEC 60780 (1998), 60980 (1989), & 60068 (2007)